Active learning of an unknown demand (& bonus Altair plots) " />
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Active learning of an unknown demand (& bonus Altair plots)

You’re about to launch your product next month, but you’re not sure which prices to use. You think the demand has a log log form:

but you’re unsure of the values of and

What should your pricing strategy be in this case? How should you go about learning about demand, but without sacrificing too much profit in the meantime?

We can distinguish between two broad types of learning: active and passive.

Passive means you’re choosing the optimal price according to your beliefs each period, without thinking about how your beliefs will evolve in the future. You’ll still update your beliefs if reality gives you a surprise (say, demand was much higher than what your beliefs expected), but you won’t take into account how the way you choose prices affect the rate of learning.

Active means you choose the optimal price as a compromise between exploitation and exploration: do you wanna try to maximize the current profits or do you wanna explore to learn faster / make sure you get the right answer? Thus, in active learning you need to take into account not just the current profits, but also how the current price choice changes the evolution of beliefs. In practice, this involves earning a bit less profit now, but getting more in the long run.

In this blog post, I will present a way of modeling this problem that I find particularly insightful and (relatively!) easy to code.

Taking a stance

One way to model this problem is through dynamic programming and, more particularly, with a Bellman equation. Thus, the problem of choosing a sequence of prices under active learning can be written as:

  • is the current period profit
  • in this case is the log demand ()
  • represents the information set of the firm at
  • represents the firm’s belief about the value that (log demand) will take next period. It expresses which values of the firm considers more or less likely.

Let’s consider the integral carefully:

It is integrated over the possible values that could take according to the belief function and what the value function would be worth under that new information set. This is crucial: it gives some value to information and, thus to experimentation. The firm doesn’t want to just maximize current period profits, but actually wants to have a better information set in the future.

To fully flesh out this model, I borrow the notation of Aguirregabiria & Jeon (2018): “Firms’ Belief and Learning in Oligopoly Markets”

The first important specification is the form of the belief function . In their survey paper, Aguirregabiria & Jeon consider four types of learning and belief functions

  1. Rational expectations
  2. Bayesian learning
  3. Adaptive learning
  4. Reinforcement learning

In this blog post I will only talk about Bayesian learning, but you’re welcome to check the paper for the other approaches. Under the bayesian learning, the firm starts with some priors on (log demand) and then, as new information arrives (i.e. prices chosen and observed demand), the firm updates those priors.

The prior belief are given by that is exogenous. This prior is a mixture over a collection of L transition probabilities:

so that

The firm observes the new state and uses this information to update its beliefs. Under bayesian updating the formula is:

In words, $$m_l (x_t p_{t-1}, x_{t-1})lx_tx_tll$$ transition probability will get a higher weight in the beliefs of next period.

Back to our example with demand

For the simulation in this blog post, the firms will entertain three hypothesis, three different way in which demand might behave. Each one of this “models” is represented by a different transition probability. Each one differs on their , but are otherwise the same:

The beliefs at of each firm is fully characterized by , which are the weights it gives to each on of these three models.

Each firm starts at time 0 with and the prices it chooses and demand it observes will make it update its lambdas.

The code

With Giovanni Ballarin we are writing the LearningModel package that estimates such value functions under different settings. Our idea is to make it easy for a researcher to plug different models and get a value function. For example, it should be easy to change the demand model from

to an AR(1) one

without having to rewrite the value function iteration code completely.


We’ll import the package and do a value function iteration to get the correct value function and policy functions.

With those in hand, we can simulate how would firms learn under a random demand scenario. We’ll make all start with the same prior, but their experience with different demand realizations will make them behave and learn in a different way.

Solve for the value and policy function

!git clone
!mkdir LearningModels/data

Cloning into 'LearningModels'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 280, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (280/280), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (240/240), done.
remote: Total 280 (delta 147), reused 167 (delta 38), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (280/280), 876.49 KiB | 1.11 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (147/147), done.
#If you get No module named 'src', you might need to add the folder to your system path
!python LearningModels/examples/

After 60 iterations we get an error of 0.004. We could let it run longer to get a smaller error, but it should be fine for our plotting purposes.

Use the policy function to simulate

%matplotlib inline
import sys

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import dill
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
file_n = "2018-10-11vfi_dict.dill"
with open('LearningModels/data/' + file_n, 'rb') as file:
    data_d = dill.load(file)
import sys
import src

lambdas = src.generate_simplex_3dims(n_per_dim=data_d['n_of_lambdas_per_dim'])
price_grid = np.linspace(data_d['min_price'], data_d['max_price'])

policy = data_d['policy']
valueF = data_d['valueF']

lambdas_ext = src.generate_simplex_3dims(n_per_dim=15) #15 should watch value f iteration

#Interpolate policy
policyF = src.interpolate_wguess(lambdas_ext, policy)

def simulate_one_firm(valueF, policyF, maxt, lambda0=np.array([0.4, 0.4, 0.2]),
    Simulates the action of one firm when facing a random demand

    :param valueF: interpolated value function
    :param policyF: interpolated policy function
    :param maxt: maximum number of time periods
    :param lambda0: starting prior
    :param true_beta: true elasticity of demand
    :param dmd_σϵ: standard deviation of demand noise
    :return: pd.Dataframe with level prices, log_dmd, value function and the lambdas
    current_lambdas = lambda0
    d = {}
    d['level_prices'] = []
    d['log_dmd'] = []
    d['valueF'] = []
    d['lambda1'] = []
    d['lambda2'] = []
    d['lambda3'] = []
    d['t'] = []

    for t in range(maxt):

        # 0. Choose optimal price (last action of t-1)
        level_price = policyF(current_lambdas[:2])  # Check: Is this correctly defined with the first two elements?

        # 1. Demand happens
        log_dmd = src.draw_true_log_dmd(level_price, true_beta, dmd_σϵ)

        # 2. lambda updates: log_dmd: Yes, level_price: Yes
        new_lambdas = src.update_lambdas(log_dmd, src.dmd_transition_fs, current_lambdas,
                                         action=level_price, old_state=1.2)

        current_lambdas = new_lambdas

    return pd.DataFrame(d)

def many_runs(total_runs, **kwargs):
    dfs = []
    for run in range(total_runs):
        df = simulate_one_firm(**kwargs)
        df['firm_id'] = run
    return pd.concat(dfs, axis=0)

all_firms = many_runs(7, time_periods=50)

Plot with your new BFF: Altair

import altair as alt
all_firms['demand'] = np.e**(all_firms['log_dmd'])
selector = alt.selection_single(empty='all', fields=['firm_id'], on='mouseover')

base = alt.Chart(all_firms).properties(

color_timeseries = alt.Color('firm_id:N', legend=None)

x_for_tseries = alt.X('t', scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, 50)))

#alt.Y('level_prices', scale=alt.Scale(domain=(0, 3.5)))
timeseries1 = base.mark_line(strokeWidth=2).encode(

timeseries2 = base.mark_line(strokeWidth=2).encode(

timeseries3 = base.mark_line(strokeWidth=2).encode(

timeseries4 = base.mark_line(strokeWidth=2).encode(
    y=alt.Y('valueF', scale=alt.Scale(domain=(14, 22))),

color = alt.condition(selector,
                      alt.Color('firm_id:N', legend=None, ),

legend = alt.Chart(all_firms).mark_point(size=400).encode(
    y=alt.Y('firm_id:N', axis=alt.Axis(orient='right')),

((timeseries1 | timeseries2) & (timeseries3 | timeseries4) | legend).properties(
title='Learning for multiple firms. Hover on firm-id')

The true probability transition function that generated the demand data was the one associated with . Because of this, a firm that learns correctly is one that puts probability one to .

The graph shows that some firms learnt this quite fast (firm 0, 5, 6), while others took longer or haven’t converged to the right result after 50 periods (for example, firm 2 and 3).

If you select firm number 3, you can see why this might have happened: the demand is random and so big errors (the in our demand equation) might make the demand appear as if the correct demand is, say, the one associated with . If the firm is unlucky, it might get stuck in the wrong lambda for quite a while. However, we know that active learning is the correct approach and we’re assured that the learning should converge (see, for example, Kiefer & Nyarko (1989)). This is not true if the firm were to use passive learning: in this case, there is a non trivial probability that the firm gets stuck forever in the wrong lambda (Aghion et alii (1991)).

Some notes on how to write this Altair interactive plot

If you’re interested in Altair, I suggest you take a look at Jake Vanderplas’ amazing tutorial here. In the meantime, I can give you some intuition on how the syntax works.

This graph has three components: the base graph (and the timeseries plots that come from it), a selector object and a legend.

Let’s take a look at the base graph. The four time series graphs take this as the base.

base = alt.Chart(all_firms).properties(

This tells altair to use the all_firms dataframe for the chart, specifies width, height and then adds both a selection mechanism and a transform_filter method. What does this do? It’s telling altair to use the selectorobject to do some filtering. Thus, if a firm_id is selected in some way, only the date for that firm_id will be passed onto the graphs. I’ll explain a bit more how this works below, but let’s first take a look at one of four timeseries plots:

timeseries1 = base.mark_line(strokeWidth=2).encode(

We take the base graph we defined before and then use mark_line, which means we’ll represent parts of the data as a line (instead of representing them as points, areas or whatnot). With the encoding, we tell altair to use a certain x and y axis and a color.

Now let’s go back to the second component: the selector object.

selector = alt.selection_single(empty='all', fields=['firm_id'], on='mouseover')

A selection_single means we can only select one “thing”. What kind of thing? One single firm_id. We will allow the selection to happen upon mouseover (as opposed, to, say, a click).

Finally, we have the legend. One of the cool things about altair is that you can create new objects and functionalities if you know how to combine the building blocks

legend = alt.Chart(all_firms).mark_point(size=400).encode(
    y=alt.Y('firm_id:N', axis=alt.Axis(orient='right')),

If you pay attention, you’ll see there’s no legend function invoked. What I’m doing here is to encode the firm_id as points with some color. It’s not a specially crafted legendfunction, it’s just a set of points that can be used as a clickable legend now that I add the same selector object. Cool, right??

To finish our plot, we put all these elements together

((timeseries1 | timeseries2) & (timeseries3 | timeseries4) | legend).properties(
title='Learning for multiple firms. Hover on firm-id')

The | is used to put charts side by side and & to put one on top of the other.

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Cristian Dagnino J.



Incentive Compatible

A journal about my adventures on the internet and the amazing things I found there -- Random comments on economics, data analysis and graphs with nice colors.

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